iService Collection of Must Have iPhone Apps

The app store today is filled with apps that cater to our every need. Be it an app to track your fitness, or an app to order your meals home, the app store has you covered. The app store today plays host to around 750k different apps. But with so many app options available to the consumer, there are only so few of them we could term as ‘must have apps’.

There are quite a few ‘must have apps’ so we’ll exclude the most obvious ones like Facebook, Twitter and even Gmail. On this list, we focus on the apps that are most commonly used by all and are considered essential for getting through everyday life. So here’s our collection of must have iPhone apps.

  1. Google Maps

It can never be stated enough about the importance this app plays in our lives. In an ever changing world where everything is constantly on-the-go, it’s difficult to sit back and mark out directions to a spot. Google maps has removed the possibility of ever having to ask the person next to you for directions to a restaurant.


The app makes it so easy for you to get directions to practically anywhere. It even tells you how long it’ll take you based on the medium of travel chosen. So long as you’re connected to the internet, getting around to new places works like a charm and you’ll only have this app to thank for that.


  1. Taxi Aggregators (OLA, UBER)

We just spoke about the app that gives you the best possible directions needed to get you someplace. Now comes the actual issue of getting there. Fear not, this app has you covered. OLA makes great use of allowing you to book a means of transport to get where you need to go assuming you don’t always take the bus to travel around the city.


These apps has seen a bit of a renaissance lately, gathering more users. What makes such an app incredible is that it tracks your location. This way, your transport whether a cab or a rickshaw will be able to find a way to you, pick you up and drop you where you wish to go all on the rates of the meter. An absolute essential if you plan on traveling most of your time.


  1. Discovery apps (BookMyShow, Zomato)

Do you remember all those long conversations you’d have with your friends complaining while standing for hours in line waiting to buy tickets to see your favorite movie? BookMyShow isn’t a new app by any means but it did make life a whole lot easier. Today the app is regarded by many as the biggest online booking app and is also the most successful ecommerce app in the country. There’s not a phone that goes by that doesn’t have the app.


The same can be said for Zomato, an app that provides you with the best places to eat. It gives you all the info you’ll ever need about a restaurant from its menu to all its contact details. The app also does a great job of letting you write a review which can prove to be useful at times. These prove to be


  1. YouTube

Everybody wants to be entertained and nothing says entertainment more than watching your favorite videos online. The advent of YouTube has seen it rise to become a part of our culture today. The app allows you to view all your favorite videos under one roof.


It does a great job of keeping track of your activities and even recommends videos for you to take a look into.


  1. Whatsapp

There probably isn’t a single smartphone out there that doesn’t have this app installed. With the change in time, also came the growing need to stay connected. Whatsapp does this on a very personal level allowing you to constantly stay connected to the ones that mean the most to you.


What was once seen as a great way to stay connected to your friends for free, the app today is quite possibly the first thing you install the moment you get a new phone. The app has now given us the added benefit of making free calls provided there’s a strong internet connection available.